Although it just a small bra, we still should pay more attention to some important components when selecting a bra, especially a bra extender.

There are many styles of bra extender, such as One-row, 2-rows, 3-rows, and 4-rows, so what is the difference of it?

One-row bra extender

Mainly based on a beautiful racerback bra, this type of bra is more relative with decoration, and the function is weaker, which is suitable for women with small breasts and perfect breast shape.


Two-rows bra extender

The 2-row bra is easy to put on and take off, and the weight is very light, so it is more suitable to wear in hot weather.

However, although the functionality of the two-row is stronger than the one-row, in general, it is also weaker, and the padded effect is not obvious. This is suitable for women with small breasts and perfect breast shape.

bra accessories

Three-row bra extender

The shape of the 3-rows bra is much better than that of the 2-rows bra, and the two sides are wider, which can better pad the meat and auxiliary breasts of the chest, and the effect of lifting height and concentration is better.

The three-rows or over three-row design makes the bra more stressed after wearing, without tightness or other uncomfortable feelings, this type is more suitable for B and C cups, with vice breasts and sagging breasts.


Four-rows bra extender

The shape of the 3-rows bra is much better than that of the 2-rows bra, and the two sides are wider, which can better pad the meat and auxiliary breasts of the chest, and the effect of lifting height and concentration is better.

It is the enhanced version of the 3-rows extended, which strengthens the padded, shapes of the body, and receives the voice breast.

But the most important function of the 4-rows is to adjust the shape of the body. If the 3-rows is suitable for wearing at home, then the 4-rows bra is more suitable for wearing outside or at work, because the stability of the 4-rows is increased, which is suitable for C cup, D cup and above, with vice breasts and sagging breast.

bra exdender

The more rows it has, the stronger the bra will be on the chest, and for those women with bigger breasts need a more secure fixation. Even if it is a small row button, we also should choose it well, otherwise, it will affect the wearing effect of the whole underwear.

Lily Wang